propagation constant

网络  传播常数; 传输常数; 引入传播常数; 传播常量



  1. The transfer function method is applied to investigate on characteristic impedance and acoustic propagation constant of the regenerator in the acoustic-driven thermoacoustic apparatus.
  2. First, the relation between the dispersion of the fiber and the propagation constant and equivalent refractive index is presented.
  3. The propagation constant increases with decreasing slab thickness for the first-order oscillating mode, which is different from that in traditional metal-cladding waveguides.
  4. Experimental Identifying on Characteristic Impedance and Propagation Constant of Thermoacoustic Regenerators at Without Temperature Gradient
  5. The mode characteristics of the photonic crystal fiber ( PCF) are investigated in detail using the orthogonal functions, including the propagation constant, mode-field distribution, effective power confinement factor.
  6. In this paper, perturbation method is introduced to discuss the variety of the propagation constant and the effective index in detail according to the change of the mode field of the FBG under strain, which gives a more accurate result of the strain sensitivity coefficients.
  7. Determination of Propagation Constant from Phase Information of Standing Waves
  8. A novel variational analysis of planar line propagation constant
  9. The relationship among the normalized cut-off frequency, normalized propagation constant, dispersion and power distribution of triangular-core doubly clad single-mode fibers and the inner cladding parameters has been studied in detail. And the universal curves for their general relations are given.
  10. In photonic crystal fibre application, mode refractive index in different situations is analyzed using the finite-difference time-domain method and fitting functions among mode refractive index, structure parameter and propagation constant are obtained using analytical data.
  11. A method to calculate the propagation parameters of optical fibers with arbitrary index profile is introduced. The propagation parameters of three different optical fibers, for example the normalized propagation constant, the chromatic dispersion and the mode field diameter, is calculated and analyzed.
  12. Perturbation Solutions of Propagation Constant and Loss Coefficient of Polymeric Electro-Optic Waveguide
  13. Effects of central dip in refractive index on the normalized cut-off frequency, normalized propagation constant, dispersion and power distribution of W-type single-mode fibers have been studied in detail.
  14. In this paper, the propagation constant transcendental equation for dielectric loading twin toroidal phase shifter using grooved waveguide is given. With typical parameters, freguency characteristics of the differential phase shift and the insertion loss are computed.
  15. By using both the effective refraction index method and the WKB theory, the approximate mode equation of the dielectric waveguide with triangular cross-section is derived for the convenient and rapid calculation of the mode propagation constant or effective index.
  16. A novel stationary variational formula in spatial domain and in spectral domain respectively for calculation of planar line propagation constant is presented based on the exact theory of electromagnetic field.
  17. Optical Characteristics are analyzed quantitatively for plate waveguides made on higher refractive index substrates, equations are obtained for mode propagation constant and power radiation loss etc., followed by a discussion with some concrete calculation examples.
  18. The normalized propagation constant, which determines the number of the modes and mode cutoff is obtained for a PCF: with a certain structure parameters.
  19. We also get the relation between normalized propagation constant and wavelength of the first forth modes by solving the character equation of one dimensional photonic crystal waveguide with the impedance method. The results are identical with the relevant papers.
  20. Investigation of Regenerator on Characteristic Impedance and Propagation Constant in the Thermoacoustic Apparatus
  21. Using the same finite difference mesh as that adopted in solving electrical equations, the optical equation is solved and the mode propagation constant for the optical equation is obtained with the general transverse resonance method combining with the variational principle.
  22. Taking this method as an example, optical propagation constant and the loss characteristics for SiO_2 have been calculated actually. Some available results are obtained.
  23. Iterated Method for Calculation of Propagation Constant and Attenuation Coefficient of Four-Layer Planar Waveguide with a Buffer Layer
  24. Three different equations for determination of permittivity of dielectric materials had been derived using characteristic impedance and propagation constant and both of them, respectively.
  25. This new LH waveguide is analyzed by means of circuit theory. The unit propagation constant, Bloch impendence, effective permittivity, effective permeability, effective index of refraction and other relevant parameters are obtained.
  26. Reflection coefficient can be particularly difficult to understand the transmission theory of the three impedance matching conditions; standing wave ratio is the link to contact theory and experiment; and propagation constant velocity and dispersion is to discuss the key issues. 4.
  27. Finally, we extend the spherical wave least squares method to infinite and periodic linear chains of dielectric spheres and calculate the propagation constant of propagating mode along the chain.
  28. It may be equivalent described as in terms of medium parameters ( electric/ magnetic dipole moment, permittivity, permeability), or in terms of transmission-line parameters ( impedance/ admittance, propagation constant, characteristic impedance).
  29. Vortex solitons with various charges are stable in a region near the upper cutoffs of propagation constant.
  30. First, the propagation and mode field property of such fiber is calculated, including propagation constant, electric field distribution, bending loss, dispersion and non-linear properties.